Today’s post involves my 3rd Great Grandparents Henry O’Brien and Anne Smith marriage in Maitland in 1845. After receiving a transcription of their Marriage registration from NSW Family History Transcriptions, I have now confirmed that they married on the 31st of March 1845 at Maitland, New South Wales, Australia. Both were Roman Catholics and lived in Maitland at the time of their marriage. Henry signed with his x mark, so he was more than likely illiterate. Unfortunately their parents names, ages and occupations are not listed, which I had expected as it is an early church record. I am hopeful that other family certificates may provide me with more leads on this couple in the future so I can connect more of the dots about their lives. I have previously posted about them here and here.
Source: Marriage registration transcription for Henry O'Brien and Anne Smith. NSW BDM Marriage Index No. 329/1845 V1845329 94. Received from NSW Family History Transcriptions Pty. Ltd. |
NSW BDM Marriage Index
329/1845 V1845329 94O'BRIEN HENRY SMITH ANNE LK
Source: NSW BDM Marriage Index listing for Henry O'Brien and Anne Smith. NSW BDM Marriage Index No. 329/1845 V1845329 94. Retrieved from
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